Garden Center
Annuals, Perennials, Trees, Shrubs, Grasses, and more!

Starting in late April we will begin offering a wide selection of annual flowers and foliage plants. Plants, including new selections, will be updated weekly throughout our Berkshire growing season.
We will be offering a wide selection of organic vegetable starters beginning in late April.

Edible Flowers
Organic edible flowers will start to be available in May. New plants will be grown or arrive throughout the Berkshire growing season.
Edible flowers include: Calendula, Clover, Cornflower, Dianthus, Lilacs, Marigolds, Nasturtiums, Pansies, Sunflowers and Violas.
Edible flowers for teas include: Calendula, Chamomile, Chrysanthemums, Dandelions, Echinaceas, Hibiscus, Lavender and Roses.
Hanging Baskets
We will begin offering a wide selection of locally grown hanging baskets by the end of April. Custom hanging baskets will also be available.

Organic Supplies
This season we will be able to offer many organic products on site with all others stocked at our warehouse. Organic supplies will include fertilizers and soil amendments, probiotics and inoculants, worm castings, growth enhancers, OMRI approved weed killers, OMRI approved tick, mosquito and flea controls, beetle and grub controls, ant-bug-slug controls, pest insect controls, disease controls, animal repellants, and soil pH controls.
We will be offering a wide selection of Coast of Maine organic soils and mulches, including their Bar Harbor Premium Potting Soil, their Castine Raised Bed Mix, their Monhegan Black Earth Topsoil, their Penobscot Complete Planting Mix, their Quoddy Lobster Compost, their Schoodic Cow Manure Compost and their Stonington Blend – Platinum’s Grower’s Mix.
We will also offer their Organic Fish Bone Meal Fertilizer and their Stonington Blend Lobster & Kelp Fertilizer.
Cutting Garden
We began planting our Cutting Garden last fall, and we will continue planting more varieties of annuals, perennials and shrubs this spring.
This year we plan to offer Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid-Late Summer and Fall bouquets at the garden center, as well as filling custom orders.
We will be growing a variety of annuals, including: Amaranth, Bells of Ireland, Bupleurum, Calendula, Celosia, Cosmos, Dara, Feverfew, Gomphrena, Nicotiana, Nigella, Poppies, Snapdragons, Sunflowers, and Zinnias. Perennials we will be growing include: Allium, Astilbe, Clematis, Crocismus, Dahlias, Delphinium, Foxglove, Globe Thistle, Lavender, Lilies, Peonies, Salvias, Sedums, and Yarrow. Shrubs will include: Calcanthus, Cedars, Hydrangeas, Lilacs, Ninebark, Smokebush, St. John’s Wort, Viburnums, and Wiegela.

Open April through July for all your gardening needs.

Open November and December for Christmas Trees and seasonal decorations